eliminate sweat under arms

Now Summer Is Here Eliminate Sweat Under Your Arms With Dr Rojas

Excessive sweating can be a real social problem that makes people afraid to wear armless clothing or even go outside for too long. Some people might be restricted from their chosen career – airline stewardesses have faced opposition due to this problem. Known medically as Hyperhidrosis, this is a condition which is often treated in the dermatology department, and they are likely to advise patients to have a cosmetic surgery treatment designed to stop you sweating. With the help of Dr. Rojas -Venice Beach Surgical Center, people suffering from hyperhidrosis can finally eliminate sweat under arms for long periods of time. Using the very latest forms of treatment, patients can find a way to alleviate their sweating issues.

Cosmetic Treatments Used To Eliminate Sweat Under Arms

There are a variety of different methods of treating excessive sweating, including sending electric currents to the targeted sweat-glands (the feet or hands) via Iontophoresis. Naturally, this cannot help with the type of excessive sweating that affects the underarms, and so patients are forced to use other methods. Some dermatologists may recommend prescription medication which is designed to prevent sweating, although this may be unsuitable for those working in heat – and this means for most patients who live and work in California. For many years, the main cosmetic treatment was through Botox – and this is in fact still a very practical method today – the FDA approved this treatment as a way to combat hyperhidrosis in the underarms. It is often used to help menopausal women who suffer excessive sweating during hot flushes, particularly on the head and underarms. It is not yet shown to be effective on the feet and hands. One of the latest treatments – only granted FDA approval in 2011 – is known as MiraDry. For hyperhidrosis patients, this may be one of the best options available.

What Is Miradry?

This cosmetic treatment uses a non-invasive type of microwave energy. This involves numbing the skin using a local anesthetic, and using a hand-held machine to pulse waves of energy into the skin. This heats up the sweat glands and then destroys them, so that the glands cannot produce sweat. Unlike Botox, which numbs the glands but leaves them in position, MiraDry will destroy them. In addition, since 2015 the FDA has allowed people operating this machine to use it to eliminate underarm hair, and also to destroy odor glands that produce BO. The hair reduction process is known as Mira-Smooth, but in most cases people suffering from excess sweating will want to concentrate upon the sweat-gland reduction process. Studies have shown that this is one of the most effective ways of treating hyperhidrosis, and a study in 2012 “Showed that MiraDry was successful in reducing underarm sweat in over 90% of patients. The average sweat reduction was 82%”. This is the best way to reduce excessive sweating in the long term where hyperhidrosis is limited to the upper arms.

Long-Term Results From Microwave Gland Destruction

The primary reason to choose MiraDry over any other alternative is that it has long-term results. Unlike Botox and other sweat-gland reduction treatments, it is likely to result in permanent gland elimination, so you won’t have to have the process again unless excessive sweating returns. Unlike Botox, which can clearly have serious side-effects if used in the long-term, this is considered to be a non-invasive process with a quick recovery, and you should be able to see the permanent results within a few weeks. It is unlikely to be covered by insurance, but you may decide that it is worth paying the full bill to stop your sweating problem.

Talk To Us About Miradry Today

Have you decided to get rid of your excessive sweating issue permanently? If you want to find out more about the use of MiraDry and other cosmetic procedures that will allow you to recover from your excessive sweating problem, you should speak to an experienced cosmetic surgeon today. At Dr. Rojas -Venice Beach Surgical Center we would like to offer you a free consultation so that we can discuss your problem. Start the conversation today by contacting us online, or call us at (310) 391-7143 now.