Brazillian Butt Lift: Fat Transfer to Glutes that’s Safe, Natural, and Sexy

Have you been trying to get a better looking butt only for nothing to work? Do you do all of the exercises, eat how you’re supposed to, and yet the results are so much less than you’re hoping for. Our Brazillian Butt Lift procedure can take care of that. Instead of working so hard to achieve a better look, we can make it happen. Better still, we can do so in a way that’s utterly secure and efficient, so that you can enjoy the results that much sooner. The way we do it is simple indeed: with a fat transfer to glutes.

Fat Transfer to Glutes

If you’re like so many, you might have looked in the mirror, grabbed a part of your body where you might have more fat than you would like and think: “gee, I wish I could somehow make this fat disappear from here and go to my butt.” In a very simplified way, that’s exactly what this procedure is. You can take the fat that you don’t want and then put it exactly where you do want it: in your glutes.

Safe, Organic, and Natural 

Many of us either know someone or have seen butt implants where the results were poor. This could be because they don’t look “right” for the person, or the person might even have suffered pain and worse due to shoddy implants, insufficient procedures, or other factors. None of that happens at the Venice Beach Surgical Center. What makes this fat transfer to your buttocks so safe is, in part, that it’s your fat. It’s not something inorganic to your body that we introduce, it’s something that was naturally in your body already. That goes a long way towards making sure that the procedure is a success, and that you get the results you want going forward well into the future.

How it Works 

This is your body, you can’t just leave it up to anyone. Our experienced medical staff has been performing these operations for a long period of time. The first order of business is to figure out exactly where you want the fat for your glutes taken from. After that, we use the most advanced, safe technology to swiftly remove that fat from your body. Then, it’s prepared for insertion. Once all that is prepared, Dr. Rojas or another highly-qualified member of our team will perform the procedure, giving you the look that you want.

A Better Way

There’s nothing wrong with doing exercises and eating well to achieve the look that you want. However, when that doesn’t give you the exact results you’re looking for, it’s natural to feel frustrated. We can help you to get the look that you’ve been searching for, all in a simple, easy, and sexy way. To set up an initial consultation so as to figure out the best way to move forward, you can message us through our site or call (888) 598-0620.

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