How to Ensure Best Results From Fat Transfer Surgery

Fat transfer surgery is not a simple procedure. And given its complexity, there is a chance that the outcome may not be as favourable for those who go through it. 

But that doesn’t mean that such procedures will only lead to negative outcomes. There are ways to make sure that you get the best results, particularly in terms of recovery. And this article will tell you all about it. 

Nutrient-Rich Foods Are Key

For recovery to come quicker, you’ll need to supply blood to the new fat cells you’ve gained. Do this by eating food that is dense in nutrients. Some good examples are salmon, walnuts, avocados, and food with extra virgin olive oil. 

Be Mindful of Your Sleeping Position

This is a bit of sacrifice you’re going to need to make after going through this procedure. Especially if you’ve had a butt lift done, you may have to limit your sleeping position on your stomach. 

The full recovery time for a Brazilian butt lift, for example, is at least six weeks. That means you’ll need to be extra mindful during this period. 

Let Go of Your Vices

Smoking cigarettes can hamper your recovery because it can decrease the blood flow to the affected area. If you’re in the habit, this is another sacrifice you should be willing to make if you want a faster recovery time. 

As for alcohol, it’s best to avoid drinking for about three weeks prior to your procedure to make sure you avoid any adverse effects. 

A Facility That Does Fat Transfer Surgery Right

Fat transfer surgery should be done by credentialed and respected experts. That’s what you get if you choose us at Venice Beach Surgical Center. Headed by esteemed cosmetic surgeon Dr Augusto Rojas, you can rest easy knowing that not only will you get the results you’re looking for, but you’ll also be taken care of. 

To know more about services, special deals, and what people say about us, you can check out our website. You can also call us at (310) 391-7143

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