Fat Transfer to Breasts You, Naturally Enhanced 

Do you want to augment your breasts without injecting something inorganic into your body? Have you been dreaming about the figure you could have, but want to achieve it in the safest way possible? That’s how our fat transfer to breasts

works. It’s exactly what it sounds like: we take the fat from the places on your body where you don’t want it and put it right where you do: your breasts. This is one of the best, most cutting-edge ways to achieve truly natural results.

All Natural Implants 

Many would like to increase the size of their breasts, but don’t want just anything to be injected into their bodies. Sure, there are many highly-effective and safe forms of implants available right now, but they’re still implants: something that hasn’t been in your body previously. That’s what’s so great about this particular procedure: it’s not putting something new into your body, it’s simply rearranging something that’s already there. That helps to lessen or even eliminate many of the concerns traditionally associated with breast augmentation.

How it Works

The procedure itself is a relatively simple one. Our staff has years of experience with this procedure and so many others, so they’ll be able to help to make it easier on you every step of the way. First, we’ll use cutting-edge tech to remove the fat from your body. Unlike methods from the past, this won’t lead to scarring, excessive pain, or anything like that. Then, we’ll prepare the fat so that it’s in the best shape possible to give you exactly what you want. After that, Dr. Rojas or a member of his team will inject the fat into your breasts so as to increase their size. This isn’t one of those procedures where you have to undergo a series of incisions over a long period of time.

Look Sexier in Multiple Ways

Obviously, breast augmentation can give you a confidence boost. However, this procedure actually has many ways of helping you to feel even better about how incredible you look. It’s not just that you increase the size of your breasts, you decrease the amount of fat that you have around your body. In fact, for many people, you can choose where to have the fat removed from. Your so-called “love handles,” your thighs, your buttocks – you can choose where the fat for your breasts comes from. This is a genuine “win-win” for your body and your self-confidence.

Determining if Fat Transfer to Breasts is Right for You 

If you believe that this procedure is the one you’re looking for, we’re glad to give you more information. Here at the Venice Beach Surgical Center, we can assist you with this as well as any number of cosmetic surgeries. If you’d like to know more about how all of this works, don’t hesitate to set up a free consultation with us. You can message us through our site or call (888) 598-0620.

Opening Hours

Monday8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Tuesday8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Wednesday8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Thursday8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Friday8:00 am – 3:00 pm

FREE Consultation Hours

Monday2:00 pm – 5:00
Tuesday2:00 pm – 5:00
Wednesday2:00 pm – 5:00
Thursday2:00 pm – 5:00
Friday10:00 am – 2:00 pm
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