Are You a Suitable Candidate for Vaser in Los Angeles?

Vaser in Los Angeles

Vaser in Los Angeles is a form of liposuction that is minimally invasive and is useful for removing fat from many parts of the body, including the arms, neck, knees, stomach, buttocks, back, breasts, face, and flanks. Like any cosmetic procedure, it’s important to be prepared for the treatment and there are some things to keep in mind that make you a good candidate for vaser. Here at Venice Beach Surgical Center, we specialize in many cosmetic procedures and can help you determine if vaser liposuction is right for you.

Vaser in Los Angeles

Physically Healthy

The best candidate for vaser in Los Angeles is one who is in good general health. If you have stubborn bits of fat that aren’t responding to diet and exercise, you may be a good candidate to have them removed via vaser liposuction. You will need to be at a generally healthy weight and be committed to eating a nutritious meal plan and engaging in regular physical activity. You should also be free of health problems, diseases or medical conditions that could hinder the healing process. This tells us that you want to make the changes and will take care of your body after the procedure to keep the results you want to see.

Young Skin

While there may not be an age limit for vaser liposuction, young people with tighter skin generally see better results. Vaser can remove unwanted fat and help tighten the skin at the same time, but in some individuals, skin excision may be necessary to tighten the area and create the silhouette you want. We can help you determine if this might be something you’ll need to be prepared for, but in most cases, young skin responds well to vaser liposuction. You should also have the good muscle tone to be considered a vaser liposuction candidate.


It’s very important that you are honest about your smoking habits. Smokers are not usually good candidates for a cosmetic procedure like vaser liposuction and undergoing the treatment without letting us know that you smoke cigarettes can put you in danger. If you currently smoke, we highly recommend quitting before you choose to have vaser liposuction done. There are many programs that can help you kick the habit.

Goals and a Positive Outlook

It is important to have some goals in mind when you choose Vaser liposuction. This should include what you want your body to look like and what steps you are going to take to ensure that your liposuction results stick around, the long term which might mean some lifestyle changes. You should also have a positive outlook in terms of the results you’re going to see. You will not be magically transformed with vaser so it is vital to understand what you can expect in terms of your finished look and what you will need to do to keep it up.

If you are ready to learn more about vaser in Los Angeles and to find out if you are a good candidate, call Venice Beach Surgical Center today to get started.

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